One of the few pictures i made with the help of Corel Painter (Thought it was version IX... 2007... long time ago). "Strandidyll" means idyllic beach in English. At least this was one of my first attempts to create a beachlike surrounding with digital brushes.
This nasty little Dragon is Concept Art for a fantasy setting, thats' long time existant in my mind. Along with this concept, i also made first steps in creating a playable Gameworld with the help of 3D-Game-Engine "Unity".
More will follow about this project, but since i'm the only one working on it at the moment, every further step still takes huuuge time!
Erm...well... Done with Krita 2D-Art-Software in Summer of 2016 by the way.
"Rotkehlchen" translated "Robin" into english, was made as a present for the mother of my girlfriend, back in the year of 2008.
It was made after an original i unfortunately lost information about.
All work on this picture was made with Photoshop.
Japanese Garden
"Japanese Garden" was created in 2008. In a year i experimented and worked a lot with Photoshop, and so it was also done with help of it.
I always had a faible for Japanese settings since i played "Last Ninja" Computergame on C64 back in the late 80's. So it was just a matter of time for me to create something like this! :)
Mermaid was created in 2008 with Photoshop and without any guide. One of my first attempts in Photoshop to create a halfway realistic water and maritime atmosphere. :)
Below a bunch of Preview-Pictures + Final result.