A rendering of a Sea King MK41

The Westland Seaking was a license built Marine-Helicopter, which was derived from the Sikorsky-S61. The Westland Seaking was also ordered from the German Marine since 1969 as a replacement for the "Grumman Albatros" Flying Boat.

My attention in creating this Cinema-4D model of that helicopter was to set a digital monument for it, since it's still replaced with the newer NH-90 helicopter in the marine.

Interior of the helicopter isn't really finished yet. However i decided to put this into the finished category, because almost all of the outer model is finished so far.

Below you'll find several rendered perspective views of the model, done with the internal Cinema-4d renderer


  • seaking_mk41_01
  • seaking_mk41_02
  • seaking_mk41_03
  • seaking_mk41_04
  • seaking_mk41_06
  • seaking_mk41_07
  • seaking_mk41_08
  • seaking_mk41_09
  • seaking_mk41_10
  • seaking_mk41_11
  • seaking_mk41_12
  • seaking_mk41_13

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